Riverside, CA USA

The piece is constructed of three long ribbons of dyed canvas fabric. Onto this canvas are affixed thousands of colored cardboard tubes, each a specific length and each located a unique distance apart. The placement of colored tubes was generated by computation with some analogue user inputs using a custom Grasshopper script. For the Red Carpet, the Cardboard tubes play a critical role visually and structurally. Similar to the concept of ‘interfacing’ in the textile industry where reinforcement is added to a fabric to add strength or alter the drape, the introduction of tubes allows the canvas to drape and arch in a highly controlled manner. The structural analysis required extensive testing of the canvas-tube assembly from which mechanical properties were derived and input into the analysis. On top of this, the analysis looked at the sensitivity of the structure to unforeseen conditions such as humidity, creeping effects and misalignment. Looking at the range of performance outcomes allowed the design team to better anticipate the initial shape of the artwork once hung, and to understand how the shape might change overtime.

Culver Center of the Arts

Yunhee Min & Peter Tolkin

Matt Melnyk, SE